What is Scouting?
Cub Scouting is an organized way for kids to go on adventures with their friends. Cub Scouts is organized into Dens and Packs. Each Grade makes up a Den and Dens make up the Pack. Scouts complete various age appropriate activities and adventures outlined as requirements in each Den level Handbook. Some activities are done with the Pack, Dens, or individually with a parent/adult. Dens work together to complete requirements. If all requirements are met by the end of the School Year, the Scout earns their Rank. Den Leaders and Pack Master help, but it is up to the parent and Scout to ensure rank requirements are completed.
Cub Scout Ranks are Lion (Kindergarten), Tiger (1st Grade); Wolf (2nd Grade); Bear (3rd Grade); Webelos (4th and 5th Grade).
- How often do Scouts Meet?
- One Pack meeting per month (Third Thursday of each Month 6:00-7:30pm)
- One Den Meeting per month (TBD by Den/Parent Leaders)
- One Parent’s Meeting per month (Second Thursday of each Month)
- Various outings and volunteering events
- Where are we Chartered (Home base for Pack Meetings)?
- Covenant Presbyterian Church
- 326 S Segoe Road, Madison, Wisconsin 53705
- How are activities planned?
- Cub Scouting is Parent Led, the parent’s meetings are where most of the planning is done. Please try to attend each parent meeting.
- The goal is to allow for quality time with Parent and Scout, therefore it is expected that parents take an active role in their Scout’s activities and advancements.
- The Pack is run entirely by adult volunteers so parents are expected to assist and run various activities.
- Parents are expected to help plan and coordinate at least two events each year.
Hill Farms neighborhood Independence Day parade.
Scouts from Pack 118 and the Girl Scouts have the honor of leading the parade with the flags.